Basket of roses: pink and white Roses
You can expect your order to be delivered on the
anytime during the day..
If you're in London, the delivery fee is £8.00
We will replace it with a new one at no additional cost.
This basket of pink and white roses can be the good present for a newly married couple. With such floral basket you make their new house more beautiful and festive so the couple will be happy to me...
This basket of pink and white roses can be the good present for a newly married couple. With such floral basket you make their new house more beautiful and festive so the couple will be happy to meet their first morning together with the smell of fresh roses.
You have the option to cancel your order at no cost prior to delivery, and we will issue a complete refund.
If you cancel after delivery has commenced, a 10% service charge will be subtracted from the amount paid, and the rest will be refunded.