Off white Roses Bouquet
You can expect your order to be delivered on the today
anytime during the day..
If you're in Dubai City, the delivery fee is £9.00
12 pcs
1 pcs
16 pcs
1 pcs
20 pcs
1 pcs
We will replace it with a new one at no additional cost.
Professional work. The order was placed very quickly. Special thanks to you.
I didn’t think that flowers could make my mother happy, but they did – 100%! Individual approach to each order. Happy selling, thank you.
rose - 12 pcs filter - 10 pcs
You have the option to cancel your order at no cost prior to delivery, and we will issue a complete refund.
If you cancel after delivery has commenced, a 10% service charge will be subtracted from the amount paid, and the rest will be refunded.